Sunday, May 8, 2011

No baby...for now.

After egging on my husband and completing our trilogy, I realized I am quite satisfied with the two we have. Going from 2 to 3 is a much bigger step than going from 1 to 2. It was so hectic the other day getting our kids out the door to school and then an evening of them both. Honestly, I don't think my husband helps as much as he could with the kids, and with 3, I would require so much more from him. Our house would have to be reorganized, we would definitely need a minivan (which we plan to get anyway). I honestly feel very relieved to let it go, and not be concerned about having another one. I know we would do what ever we have to if there would be another one, but it's not in the plans...right now. I think I have been confusing what I would do differently, with wanting to do it again.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To three or not to three

Husband and I are starting the debate on having a third. There is a lot to consider with thinking about a third. Our house would have to be reorganized, better organized. Who will sleep where. We would need to finally buy a king size bed. There are also some financial things to consider, but I don't like to get hung up on those details. I am happy with the two we have, but would we be happier with 3? Is there something missing without 3? I don't think so. That's not really the point. With so many people I see having another one, even a 3rd, the idea seems so lovely, so romantic. I'm not in a hurry, though I do think about #2 already being 1 and that I would like #2 and 3 to be closer in age than #1 and #2. I don't know yet what we will do, I just don't want to say no. Not yet.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

First set of cloth trainers

I received my first two cloth trainers today; Bumble Pants and Kawaii Baby.

The Bumble Pants are a WAHM product (which to me in only a mild bonus). It can be pulled on like underwear and has snap closures, which means you don't have to completely undress your child when there is an accident. Immediately after receiving it, I poured a cup of water across the padding, most of it was absorbed into the diaper, but there was some beading. None of it leaked through the waterproof liner, however when pressure was applied, it did leak through the sides. They may be more absorbant after their first wash.

The Kawaii Baby I was curious about since I use Kawaii Baby diapers. These are only pull-on, no snaps. I applied a cup of water across the padding, and it seemed to only partially absorb. They may be more absorbent after their first wash.

Comparing these two, I believe the Bumble Pants would be better for starting training, as they are more absorbent than the Kawaii Baby. However, the Bumble Pants are nearly twice as expensive as the Kawaii Baby. The Kawaii Baby could be useful when there have been very few accidents, but not yet ready for underwear.

My concern for both of these before receiving them was for their bulkiness. I don't believe either of these would be more bulky than a disposable pull-on trainer.

I think my next order will be SuperUndies pocket trainers and Little Beetles.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Giving up what I love

I'm not giving up cloth diapering, but I do have to stop buying more. I love them too much, but I've been buying them for a year now and have more than enough. I even have some that are becoming too small on Lloyd and need to sell them. While removing them from my stash will put a dent, it will not make me come up short. I haven't received my order of trainers yet, maybe they will be here tomorrow. Need to check for tracking info.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The hunt begins

I am about a year away from beginning potty training with my son and I am hoping to only use cloth. He will need to have pull-up type undies for school, but believe it or not there are a few cloth trainers available with side snap closures. I have just ordered my first two and will start with checking their absorbancy. I am hoping to find 1 or 2 that I really like and see if I can't get my local cloth diapering retailer to start carrying them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Too much to think about

As a mom, you don't just take care of yourself, you take care of a significant other, your children, the house, their things, their school things... I get to a point sometimes when I realize I'm not taking care of myself. Skipping meals, skipping hair cuts, wearing clothes that are snagged or not the right fit. Everytime someone asks me what I want, I can only think of things I'd like to get the kids. I do want a bike, and have a list of other "wants", but those are not things I would expect to ask from other people. I have a son who isn't sleeping well, laundry that needs putting away or washed, a daughter with homework and her own calendar to keep, a husband to spend time with, and sleep to get. I completely understand now why so many women are SAHMs, and although I love my job (and it is only part-time), I wish I could be home more often to get stuff done around the house and have a chance to relax before my husband gets home.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I need a bike

We got our daughter a bike for her birthday and she is getting very good at riding, though she still has training wheels. It makes me want a bike of my own, one I could pull our son around the neighborhood. The problem is, bikes are expensive. I have seen a lot at some of the pawn shops, but I'm not sure how good of a deal that would be, and if they would need reconditioning, which I don't feel like doing. So, I'll hit craigslist and find nothing and scout out new bikes to see what I want and how much it is and stay in this "wanting" place for a while longer.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My healthy son

I'm going to talk about my son for a moment, because he's sitting on my lap. I say he's healthy because he loves to snack on berries. Whole blueberrries, Craisins, or raisins. He gets some salty snacks too, but for sugar snacks I'm satisfied with him eating something with positive nutritional benefits. I'm not really a health freak. In fact, I completely messed up our daughter. She is healthy, but she's picky and doesn't like many veggies. I didn't eat well as a child and didn't do a lot of research on food and youth diets until I decided to make my son's baby food. This boy loves his food. There are a few things he won't eat, but only a few.

cloth diapering addict

I am addicted to cloth diapers! If you are thinking "yuck" or that I must be "brave", look into it and see, it's not that gross or difficult. As one site said, "they're not your grandma's diapers". Anyway...I am an addict. I love how soft they are, that they don't tear like disposables, they are so cute too! Some are nearly as thin as disposables. I want to buy them all the time. I put on my wish lists gift certificates to some of those stores I like to buy diapers from (no, I never get any). My only wish is to be able to use them at daycare, then I would never have to spend a dime a disposables. It is a bit more work than disposables, but when you love something (meaning the diapers), it's worth it. My son is worth it too.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

This is me...

I have a lot of thoughts that go through my head on a regular basis. I am one of the people who can't seem to turn off the background noise. I no longer want to "bother" my facebook friends with my random banter, only those who want to know. This will be stuff about my husband, my kids, my mom, and of I'm hoping this will be an alternative to being a writer, which my grandmother always thought I could do, however I could never continue to flow with the same topic. My main interests (which usually come up in an introduction) are being a good wife and mother. I know that may sound typical, and even lame. I am however, what my mom describes as a "professional mom". If there is information out there about how to be a better mom, or a better person as a mom, I've probably at least looked into it. I am also interested in improving my marriage. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with my marriage, I just don't want it to end up that way.