Sunday, May 8, 2011

No baby...for now.

After egging on my husband and completing our trilogy, I realized I am quite satisfied with the two we have. Going from 2 to 3 is a much bigger step than going from 1 to 2. It was so hectic the other day getting our kids out the door to school and then an evening of them both. Honestly, I don't think my husband helps as much as he could with the kids, and with 3, I would require so much more from him. Our house would have to be reorganized, we would definitely need a minivan (which we plan to get anyway). I honestly feel very relieved to let it go, and not be concerned about having another one. I know we would do what ever we have to if there would be another one, but it's not in the plans...right now. I think I have been confusing what I would do differently, with wanting to do it again.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To three or not to three

Husband and I are starting the debate on having a third. There is a lot to consider with thinking about a third. Our house would have to be reorganized, better organized. Who will sleep where. We would need to finally buy a king size bed. There are also some financial things to consider, but I don't like to get hung up on those details. I am happy with the two we have, but would we be happier with 3? Is there something missing without 3? I don't think so. That's not really the point. With so many people I see having another one, even a 3rd, the idea seems so lovely, so romantic. I'm not in a hurry, though I do think about #2 already being 1 and that I would like #2 and 3 to be closer in age than #1 and #2. I don't know yet what we will do, I just don't want to say no. Not yet.